Absolutely, when we designed this we kept in mind as a priority the eco system. We are using motors that are very particular, we are using DEEPSPEED motors made by Sealence. (This groundbreaking propulsion system could jump start the electric boats revolution) they are located out of Italy. These motors are turbines that actually move water, these props can’t hurt fish or sea life. “They are very powerful ” and they are attached on the outside of the craft. There are no motors on the inside of the boat, only batteries, so transferring current from the batteries to the motor… These motors are an absolute innovation! And better yet, they are underwater eco-friendly. Now the first version will work on batteries, but we are already thinking and working towards a hybrid hydrogen powertrain for the future.
By Roxanna Cella
Co-Founder, E.V.P. of Marketing, Spokesperson, Media Specialist
Publisher of the International LifeStyle Luxury Dossier