Protection Where And When You Need It

Nuturell, Scientifically Proven and 100% Natural, Kills Coronavirus.

Nanotechnology-based solutions provide optimal protection against 99.9% of Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and many other threats to our health and wellbeing.

Unparalleled 100% Natural Liquid Surface Shield that kills 99.99% of CORONAVIRUS

NUTURELL has formulated an unparalleled 100% Natural Liquid Surface Shield that kills 99.99% of CORONAVIRUS, MOLD, FUNGI, ALGAE, C-DIFF and other Pathogens.

Nuturell Surface Disinfectant is a clinically proven formula that is 99.9% effective against the Human Coronavirus OC43 and despite numerous existing potent antibiotics and other antimicrobial means, bacterial infections are still a major cause of morbidity and mortality.

How does Nuturell work?

NUTURELL Creates a Non-Toxic Green Barrier over hard and soft surfaces:

Keeping your business and home a healthy and clean environment from harmful bacteria and LIFE THREATENING VIRALS like H1N1 SARS CQV2.

Everyone uses cleaning products that sanitizes and disinfects which contain very harsh chemical compounds and made to kill various living organisms! NOT ANY MORE

NUTURELL was created to not only kill these living organisms without any harmful chemicals or toxic side effects! Having long-term efficacy of 90 days.

NUTURELL shield is used by families, Homes, Business, Hotels, Restaurants, Hospitals, Cruise Ships, Airplanes, NURSING HOMES and public areas!

Every area in our schools should be cleaned with NUTURELL Bathrooms, Locker-rooms, School Cafeterias and Classrooms. Use this powerful Green Disinfect to keep all our students safe…

NUTURELL works for animals and can be used in barns surfaces and equipments to protect horses from Fungi.

NUTURELL has been endorsed by White Glove Sanitation, servicing our military as a product they use.

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Discover how you can benefit from Nuturell

Experience, Trust, and Proven Success

"Designing Virual Protection when and where you need it"

Mark Byron Lane Ph.D.

Nano Specialist
Here at Nuturell Corporation, we understand the Workplace environment, the Health industry, the food industry, and at home. The antimicrobial, antiviral Surface Shield is in high demand in all of these areas, with good reason; nanotechnology-based solutions provide optimal protection against 99.9% of Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, and many other threats to our health and wellbeing.