Eco-sustainable and Natural Inspired Architecture

about Our Group

Giancarlo Zema Design Group

The Giancarlo Zema design Group (GZDG) is an innovative architecture firm that proposes itself as specialized in eco-sustainable smart.
The main characteristics of our design are soft lines that clearly recall biomorphic forms. We build solutions for the green building market:

Our Team
Feel free to get in touch with us.

Seaweed and their future use as biofuel?

The brilliant team of researchers from the Technion and the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research Institute have succeeded in developing an ecologically friendly, energy efficient method of Harvesting electrical currents on par with standard solar cells and more powerful than other standard techniques.

Using that common seaweed, called Ulva, as a source of this energy,

Our brands

Innovative SpinOff StartUps that are based on a particular product

eaquest Marine Technology
Luxury Design Creations