With so much concern on Inflammation and chronic pain that can involve cells throughout the body it’s no wonder Lymphatic Drainage Message has become so popular.
We have over 600 Lymph Nodes in our body!
They can generate discomfort… OUCH…

One of my favorite at-home facial techniques to do when I have the time is lymphatic drainage, a gentle massage that targets the lymph-nodes and drains toxins.

So many of us during the last year do to COVID have been living in make shift offices and evan classrooms which leads us to Neck & Back muscle pain issues through the accumulation of toxins that build up over time sitting awkward and for longer daily stints then we’d like.

By this point the knots in your neck need some TLC and a self Lymphatic message therapy can certainly help…

Let’s take a closer look into what Lymphatic Drainage is.

What is lymphatic drainage?

The lymphatic system is a network of connective tissues and organs that is responsible for draining and removing excess fluid and waste from your body. Additionally, the lymphatic system also transports fats, water, proteins, and toxins to lymph nodes which are small clusters of cells located throughout the body that contain immune cells and work to fight infection.

Lymphatic drainage is the process by which your lymphatic system moves toxins out of your body tissues into the lymph nodes so they can be eliminated. Lymphatic drainage works by pulling toxins out of body tissues and transporting them through a fluid called lymph using lymph vessels, into the lymph nodes where the toxins are removed. Once toxins are removed, the result is fresh lymph fluid that continues circulating throughout the body to pick up and remove more toxins.

However, the flow of lymph can be slowed down or blocked if toxins build up in a particular area resulting in a condition known as lymphedema. With lymphedema, you may notice swelling and reduced range of motion in the affected area. More importantly, the disrupted lymphatic drainage process reduces the effectiveness of your immune system because the removal of toxins is slowed down. To address lymphedema, you can use lymphatic drainage massage to help restore the natural flow of lymph fluid.

What is lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a type of gentle massage that promotes the movement of lymph fluid throughout the body. Essentially, the skin is gently stretched and released over known lymphatic pathways.

For most spas, lymphatic massage therapy is considered a cornerstone technique for reducing inflammation and fatigue, and it is often used to help rid the body of toxins. Moreover, lymphatic massage can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost your immune function, and glowing skin when performed on the face.

How to do a lymphatic drainage massage at-home

Lymphatic massage therapy is relatively easy to perform on your own, but it’s important to remember that the key to a successful outcome is light pressure. Essentially you’re only rubbing your skin and stretching it gently toward your lymph nodes. If you happen to feel the muscle under your skin, you’re likely pressing too hard, so a good rule of thumb is to use your finger pads only, not your palms.

One of the best areas to do lymphatic drainage massage is your neck, because it contains some of the largest lymph nodes in your body. To begin, rest your fingertips in the triangular dip just above your collarbone. And again, with an extremely light touch, gently and slowly stretch the skin in a downward motion.

Next, place your hands flat on the back of your neck, right at the base of the skull on either side of the spine. Then stretch the skin towards your spine and move your fingers down toward the base of your neck, and release.

Finally, place your full right hand across your neck, resting your index finger on your jaw. With light contact and just enough pressure to gently stretch your skin, move your hands in a downward motion toward your collarbone.

While it may take some time to get the hang of a lymphatic drainage massage, you may find that if you keep at it, you’ll feel a little less stressed and a bit more relaxed.

Apply Gentle Pressure

Our lymph system relies on normal, gentle contraction from our muscles Meaning ease up on applying too much pressure. “Heavy massage is not necessarily any better and can just lead to inflammation and swelling. “The only pressure you really need is enough to gently move the skin.”

Use a Serum

“You want to be sure you have ample slide over the skin, so massaging with a serum or moisturizer will reduce friction and pulling of the skin,”

When to visit a professional for lymphatic drainage massage

“If you’re experiencing severe swelling or reduced range of motion in a particular area, you should talk with your doctor to discuss treatment options. They may recommend a combination of exercises, treatment lotions, and lymphatic massage therapy to help.

While at-home lymphatic massage therapy can be helpful for mild issues or as part of your regular body-care routine, for severe or ongoing issues a professional massage therapist is recommended.

“I would recommend using The Healer along with your message therapy to give you faster and deeper lymphoma healing.” says Dr Rubin.

Laser therapy has an antiedemic effect, as it causes vasodilation and also activates the lymphatic drainage system (drains swollen areas). As a result, there is a reduction in swelling caused by bruising or inflammation.

If you have questions regarding The Healer please contact Dr Rubin on our
contact page

Roxanna Cella