Your dog’s and cat’s oral health (along with their overall health and well-being) can be gravely impacted by periodontal disease.
Also, Horses suffer from Periodontal disease! It’s considered one of the most painful conditions that can occur in the horse’s mouth and is the number one cause of premature tooth loss in adult horses, potentially able to affect incisors, canine teeth, and cheek teeth.
Periodontitis bacteria can infect your animals oral cavity. Usually, this disease silently invades the mouth and you won’t see any pervasive signs or symptoms until it advances. However, gum disease may cause chronic pain, gum erosion and loss of bone and teeth. The structures supporting the teeth can also be weakened or lost.
When bacteria and food particles collect along the gum line and are not brushed away during a regular tooth brushing, they can develop into plaque and harden into calculus we know as tartar.This causes irritation and inflammation of the gum line and surrounding areas (the condition is also referred to as gingivitis). This represents the first stages of gum disease.
Periodontal or gum disease is a common problem in pets. In fact, 85% of pets over 3 years of age suffer from periodontal disease. This causes the destruction of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth, commencing with gingivitis.There are some hallmark symptoms of canine periodontitis pet parents should watch for, including:
Unfortunately, the effects of periodontal disease don’t stay confined to your pets mouth – the condition can cause issues with major organs and lead to heart disease, since bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and settle in around the heart.
Fortunately, we pet parents can prevent our pooches and horses from getting periodontal disease, and the condition can be treated and reversed – if detected early.
Veterinarians are constantly looking for new tools that can offer better outcomes to patients. As more studies are published every month, Erchonia Lasers super-pulsed laser therapy is being established as part of the gold standard treatment for acute painful inflammatory conditions, such as otitis, pyotraumatic dermatitis, wounds, abscesses, and postoperative procedures, to help decrease pain and speed incisional healing. Initially used mainly in rehabilitation settings.
Erchonia laser therapy is now being adopted for new and emerging disease states and conditions seen in general veterinary practice. One new area of particular interest is Erchonia Lasers therapy’s effectiveness in killing harmful bacteria that cause gingivitis and periodontal disease, helping restore the oral biome to a healthy, balanced state.Gingivitis and periodontal disease are the most common conditions needing treatment at animal practices. Without adequate veterinary care, the majority of young dogs, cats and horses will be negatively impacted by dental issues, thus regular dental care is becoming increasingly recognized as essential.
And as drug resistance issues only get worse with the most harmful bacteria, veterinarians and pet owners alike are looking for new treatment modalities supported by solid science that can provide quick, safe, and effective results and Erconia Lasers can offer this FDA Approved sold all over the world!
Give your patients the safe, side effect-free alternative to drugs and make Erchonia Lasers therapy a part of your regular veterinary dental care.
Follow on the periodontal, trials, and laser dental treatments.